Tuesday 27 August 2013

Know the range of Ornamental Minangkabau


Minangkabau region has long been known for its natural beauty and culture. So far the results of the Minangkabau culture art is widely known about the architecture and art of dance. Minangkabau ornament as part of the architecture is not less interesting to be known. This ornament is applied in the form of sculpture that adorns the whole body almost traditional Minangkabau house. Each carving symbolizes the teachings and never described implicitly, even barely recognizable. It is better if we try to appreciate the seniukir.
Speaking about the Minangkabau decorative as well as talking about his life and artistic development ukirnya. Decorative motifs throughout Minangkabau are generally sourced to the carving motifs contained in the custom home building or home gadangnya. Carving found on custom home building is the source of all progress carving patterns are known to the public now. Minangkabau carving patterns are now reaching the hundreds is the appreciation and development of the new creations of the sculptor who guided the motifs found in a variety of custom home building. Motives of existing independently developed in accordance with the skills and tastes pengukirnya.
Minangkabau decorative carvings are generally implemented as a custom building like a house on Tower or traditional house. Rangkiang, Stempel and others. The subsequent development of the carving motifs began to also be applied to other buildings such as office buildings, shopping buildings, mosques, museums and others. In everyday life carving patterns are used as decorative motifs / embroidered clothing, furniture and carving patterns on other disposable objects. Motives that are made in a variety of forms, but still oriented to form the original motif.

Basic Shapes Variety of Ornamental Minangkabau
As well as by the branches of the arts (visual art) to another, carving Minangkabau oriented nature. The whole motif carvings created returned to the properties of symptoms and forms of nature. If in the past been known term "astist magistra natura", then in Minangkabau well known proverb that says "natural takambang be a teacher, so taserak cancang ukia". Those words have a broad understanding that nature can be a teacher or an example / role model and every cercahan sculpture will be carved decorative elements.
Natural forms are used as decorative motifs, is not a realistic or naturalistic disclosed, but the natural forms stylized (stylized) into decorative ornamental motifs.
Judging names decorative motifs contained in Minangkabau, it can be seen that these motifs starts from the names of objects contained in the natural world can be divided into three main groups, namely: (1). Motifs derived from the name / nature of plants, (2). derived from the names of animals, (3). derived from the names of objects (inanimate object).

Variety names Decorative Motif Minangkabau
  • Name of plants
In accordance with its basic form, decorative motifs Minangkabau derived from the names of the plants reached number 37 name / motif. Decorative shapes derived from the name of this vegetation was actually not always be adapted to the visual form of the motive. Not always reflect the motive was a form appropriate to its name.
Some pretty prominent names of the many decorative motifs derived from the name of the plants are: Aka Bapilin (roots intertwine), Aka Barayun (Root Swinging), Aka Taranang (Floating Roots), Bunge Palo (Bunga Pala), Bunge Matoari (Flowers sun), Kaluak Paku (fern Rounder), Pucuak Rabuang (shoots Bamboo Shoots) and others.
  • name of the beast
The names of the motif derived from the name of animals reaching number 21 motif, taken from the names of animals that are in the Minangkabau region itself. As well as the names of motifs derived from the name of the plants, the motif derived from the names of animals is also invisible forms of the animals themselves. Motive was similar to motifs derived from the name of the plants. Motifs derived from the name of this animal include: Chicken Mancotok in the Cage (chicken pecking at the cage), Bada Mudiak (Fish trooped to upstream), Barabah Mandi (Turning Bird Bath), Badorong Elephant (Elephants Fighting), Tiger in Parangkok (Tiger in Trap), Kaluang Bagayuik (Depending Bats), Ramo-ramo (Butterflies), Managun Squirrel (Squirrel reads), Kudo Manyipak (Kicking Horse) and others.
  • Name objects and Human
Motif names derived from the names of objects (inanimate objects) are: Aie bapesong (water spins) Ampiang Faserak (Emping Scattered), Ati-ati (shaped like hearts), Carano Kanso (Cerana Copper), Jarek Takambung (Meshes installed), Kipeh Cino (Chinese fan), Saik Kalamai (Sliced ​​Food) and Saluak Laka (Alas Pot). This motif reached number 31 pieces, of which there are also people like Ambun name Dewi, Si Ganjua Delinquent (maiden name), the Kambang Maniih (Girl Name).

Meaning Variety of Ornamental Motifs Contained in Minangkabau
As mentioned previously, decorative motif of Minangkabau take shape, symptoms and natural properties. Mimic the properties of this nature are not only applicable to the decision motives sculpture, but also applies to the joints of people's lives. The properties and behavior of nature is expressed in the words of indigenous knowledge is passed down through the settings that are useful for life and people's behavior. One poem reads as follows:
  1. Panakiak pisau sirauik
  2. Ambiak galah batang Lintabung
  3. Salodang ambiak ka nyiru.
  4. Nan Satitiak jadikan lauik
  5. Nan sakapa jadikan gunuang    
  6. Alam takambang jadikan guru
  7. Penakik pisau siraut
  8. Ambil galah batang Lintabung
  9. Selodang jadikan nyiru,
  10. Yang setetes jadikan laut,
  11. Yang sekepal jadikan gunung,
  12. Alam terkembang jadikan guru.
The proverb suggests to people to always strive to live up to investigate and study the provisions and events of the universe in order to obtain a conclusion that can be teacher or can be imitated.
In the Minangkabau ornaments, many carved motifs associated with traditional words that regulate the behavior of human life. The ancient craftsmen apparently trying to capture or visualize the customary words into shapes carved motif carved in the hope that it can inspire and remind the audience to the advice contained in the motif.
To be able to understand the meaning contained in a motif is not easy. Connoisseurs say the least must also understand the meaning of the words contained in the custom carved motif. Moreover, the motive itself is known for its tough between name and visual form is not always similar, is not found in the form of an animal called an animal motif, is not found in human form named human motives. This is presumably related to the prohibition of religion to depict living creatures in the picture or carving.
Carving or ornaments Minangkabau adat was carrying custom messages, not personal kemaun artists. It is held tight. Therefore known words: "Indigenous Syarak jointed, jointed Syarak Book of Allah". Thus the art of carving or decorative elements of Minangkabau in addition to functioning as a beauty, it also serves as an educator and guidance for people with symbolism and indigenous words it contains.

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