Tuesday 27 August 2013

Jepara Carving

Carving is the main craft of the town of Jepara . Jepara carving of wood in there to production places closely with experts Jepara carving chisel as a center of production is in the village center kerjinan mulyoharjo to Jepara carving and sculpture . What is meant here is carved from wood that can be derived from teak , mahogany , sengon and others. In the city of Jepara in almost all districts have furniture and wood carving in accordance with their own expertise . Results from Jepara carving can be a variety of forms ranging from sculpture motifs , leaf motifs , and other relief .
According to the history of why people have expertise in Jepara wood carving chisel is supposedly in earlier times when there was a great artist named Ki Adi Sungging Luwih . She lived in this famous kerajaan.Kepiawaian Sungging Ki and finally mengetahuinya.Singkat king king tale picture book intended for the queen to Ki Sungging . Ki Sungging can complete the picture well but when Ki Sungging want to add black paint on her hair , there are scattered paint the picture empress thigh so it looks like tahilalat.Kemudian handed over to the king and the king was very impressed with the results karyanya.Namun fate would king suspicious of Ki Ki Sungging difikir Sungging ever seen because of the naked queen mole on her thigh picture . Finally the king punish Ki decoration with a chisel told to make a statue of the empress in the air by the kite .
Carving sculptures empress already half finished but suddenly a strong wind came and the statue fell and brought to Bali . That is why the people of Bali is also renowned as an expert to make a sculpture . And for chisels used by ki Sungging falling behind the mountain and fall chisel in place is what is now recognized as a growing place Jepara carving .
Regardless of legend and history , Jepara carving has now been able to thrive and even is one part of the " breath of life and pulse of the economy " Jepara community . In order to improve the quality of human resources , for example, is done through high school education Handicraft Industry Affairs and Technology Academy Timber and non- formal education through courses and exercises . With penigkatan quality of human resources is expected not only to boost the quality of the product , but also boost the capability of the Jepara artisans and entrepreneurs in the reader market opportunities with all tentutannya .
Jepara carving has a characteristic that indicates that the original carving from Jepara or not . One characteristic that is contained in the form of patterns and motifs . For their own motives can be seen from : Leaves trubusan consisting of two kinds of views of the stalk out of the recesses and is out of the branch or ruasnya .
Original Jepara carving motifs are also visible from Tufts or end niches where fan-like leaves that are open at the end of the tapered leaf . And also there are three or four fruit seeds out of the base of the leaf . In addition , niche play style stalk lengthwise and spread to form small branches that fill the room or beautify .
Typical characteristics of the above is sufficient to represent the identity of Jepara carving . The forms carving patterns there is also a chisel inserted by experts in various household items such as chairs or tables in the example given typical Jepara carving , also another example that given a photo frame with typical Jepara carving .
Improved product quality and quality control has become an obsession Jepara in entering the international market , which aims to increase foreign confidence to Jepara industrial products .
Jepara is known as the largest furniture producer in Indonesia on July 17, 2010 has broken the record Indonesia in woodcarving activities together in one place that brings 502 people , so the district MURI record " Bumi Kartini " in the record book for 4391 . MURI charter or certificate is handed over the Chief of the Indonesian Record Museum in Ariyani represent Siregar ( Deputy Manager ) to the Regent of Jepara Drs . Hendro Martojo , alon - alon MM in Jepara simultaneously in title race carved to commemorate the anniversary of Jepara regency .
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Sumber Foto : jasaukirjepara

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